Automatic CNC spring coiling machine,CNC spring grinding machinecontinuous tempering furnace, automatic shot blasting machine automaticelectrophoresis equipment and other professional machines make producefast and efficient.
From the confirmation of drawings to the production of molding and then tothe finished product processing requires 13 self-inspection procedures,which needed the the quality inspectors of the technological link and patrolinspectors to ensure the quality of each link.
We strictly follow the scheduled production lead time and arrangethe goods within the delivery time.After-sales guarantee serviceWe have a perfect after-sales service system, if there is any qualityproblems regarding the product, pls feel free to contact us.
Dongguan Humen Terui Hardware Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of various metal springs.
Our products include die springs, compression springs, extension springs, torsion springs, disc springs, gas springs, leaf springs and some die accessories.
The factory is located in the famous Humen Town, with a complete advanced production and testing line:
1 heat treatment line, 8 automatic spring coiling machines, 4 automatic CNC end spring grinders, 1 shot blasting machine, 1 large dust-free electrophoresis equipment, multiple CNC punching machines, 1 Rockwell hardness tester, pressure and tension test 3 machines and 2 fatigue testing machines.
The production department has 8 well-known domestic senior engineers and 62 skilled workers. The materials used are SWOSC-V, 55CrSi, 50CrVa, 60Si2Mn,
Brass ball cages have many distinct advantages that make them highly sought after in engineering and design applications. This section examines some of these benefits in more depth; specifically their strength, durability and resistance to corrosion properties as well as how their golden hue enhances aesthetic appeal in multiple applications.
Brass ball cages have become an indispensable tool in numerous industries. This section explores their utilization within automotive, aerospace and electronics sectors; see how these ball cages play a part in precision molding processes, decorative lighting installations and architectural features - among other applications!
Brass ball cages are fascinating structures that combine the elegance of brass with precision of ball bearings. In this introduction to brass ball cages, we provide an in-depth overview, explaining their purpose, construction, applications and intricate designs that feature smooth rotational motion - as well as where brass ball cages may be seen used across industries and settings.
In order to extend their lifespan and ensure proper performance, proper care of brass ball cages is key. In this section, we offer practical advice for maintaining them using suitable cleaning agents, polishing techniques, and regular inspection. Learning how to properly maintain brass ball cages ensures their longevity and functionality for years.
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